Anyone who knows me knows that this is not a new thing; but here is yet another reason why I love Mark Bittman and his simple, humorous, down-to-earth approach to food.
Fresh Start for a New Year? Let’s Begin in the Kitchen

Published: January 6, 2009
PERHAPS, like me, you have this romantic notion of shopping daily — maybe even a mental vision of yourself making the rounds, wicker basket in hand, of your little Shropshire or Provençal or Tuscan village. The reality, of course, is that few of us provision our kitchens or cook exclusively with ultra-fresh ingredients, especially in winter, when there simply are no ultra-fresh ingredients.
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Not to rub it in or anything...but we stay fresh in Cali, even in the winter! I actually logged on to post this article, but you beat me to it.
Loved this article--I read it via his blog and thought it was interesting that dozens of people defended canned beans.
Also, did you guys know that he used to live in New Haven? Got his start food writing at the NH Advocate. I rode the bus with his daughter Emma in elementary school.
Dang - that must have been back in the days when Emma was still eating canned beans and packaged croutons...
What up fools? I was going to post the article too -- or even just the picture -- but things got out of hand at work. The picture is awesome. What's everyone eating?!
H, yes - I used to ride the bus with his older daughter! Once I begin running my food tours of New Haven, I intend to drive people by his old house and point it out as a landmark! He is awesome, although I too must defend canned beans. :)
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