‘H’ermana, I do not wrestle with the content of your entries, why you trying to compromise mine? U dig into what you want2 but I prefure a broader, “FIGURATIVE” diet. Besides, a little porridge is good for the colon.
Is marmalade a natural antibiotic? Hmm, perhaps if it contains some of these… Now Latinophile, I don’t mind you not liking what I write, but calling consensus as to how I conceive, that’s some mal leche. How bout this, when u see my contributions, your welcome not to read ‘em. I certainly snooze past some of y’all details.You really always need your fork on the right side of the plate and the blog properly categorized to satisfy yerself.. ain’t that a little stale? Lets try an’ coexist here, marinate with one another even. There’s alotta possibility abound.
My apology if the tanking economy combined with global famine and two candidates set on war in either Iraq or Afghanistan feels unhinging. You don’t think Patagonia is gonna look a lot different if nations don’t take some serious steps toward revamping the energy industry? How will your sorbet taste then? We could end on this note or we could let the pieces we blog explore some, possibly spar, but at the end of the day who we are, what we eat, what we say and think is closely aligned. We can tolerantly communitize here, creating a micro example, chances increasingly arise fro a larger frame pot-lock/latch.
Lemesee, that frittata, O-my!: Beets, Kale, tomatios, po-tats, carrohts & dios knows what else. My roommate (pictured above with the spaghetti style hairdue) made it, mad props. I added a pear, some ice cream (comfort food, ya’ll so mean) choclate sauce, yogurht, rasberrie jam & cranwalnut bread (grazie furelise), sum queso, apple slices (by the way New Haven’s got ‘em in season) a choc-chip banana buckwheat pancake and maybe some other stuff.
Whatevs, it was f@#(in’ food. How fortunate are we to be eating it, I’m grateful. My apology for sounding aggravated.
Pretty phenomenal formula. I’ll play nice. Minions, really, ive nuttin but…
Food=Energ-Action. What is it like being a young girl in Africa? Good film short on that link, clickit. There are 25 Million who can be educated for twelve dollars a month and Congress can not agree over how to spend 700 Billion Dollars on mostly well fed college educated irresponsible Wall Street Executives. Let’s get it together people.
Especially u Dj, c’mon out and spin your records. I miss ya
I'm calling a truce before this blog turns to mutiny! I love your posts Jason. Don't stop! And don't mind the haters. Your contributions are rich, intriguing, full of humor and appreciation for life. If others don't appreciate it then they don't have to read. I don't see anyone else posting up here with any regularity - and I agree that food, our access to it, and the way we prepare, eat, share, and appreciate it (or not) is indicative of our attitude toward life and the world. I welcome your words and also got nothin but love. Also, BEST Jackson Browne song ever - childhood memory! Dad would be proud!!! :) :)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Brother Jaz! I truly meant not to offend, only to try and steer this blog back to what I viewed as its original, quite simple objective: to share with each other what we eat each day (or every other day, or every five days...). That said, to each his own and if your manner of participating includes myriad links/political commentary, so be it. You're right, I don't have to read your posts but the fact is I wanna read 'em cause in between all that other stuff there're a lot of juicy tidbits--such as the fact that you can't grill a pepper in a broiler! (Seriously, I've always wondered if there's away to simulate grilling, if you don't have a grill, and now I have my answer.)
It's just that I get my Africa (plus Asia!) fix from Nick Kristof and daily e-mails from Colleen Connors of www.savedarfur.org and the great blog (sloaninrwanda.blogspot.com) of my friend Sloan who is working in Rwanda for the next two years, and sometimes I want to forget that Sarah Palin exists and that the market is collapsing and in those moments I turn to Food Game.
But this is America--where free speech is supposed to reign--and Argentina--where it should. So please accept my apology and go crazy to the beat of your own drummer, and I will make an effort to post more of my snoozy details in attempt to strike a beautiful balance in which peace can reign. As for my fork, frankly I like it on the left side cause when you're cutting meat you need the knife in your right hand, nadiddamean?
Jas, I only understand half of what you say and enjoy the other half all the more for it.
Took some not so great shots of the most gorgeous beet/potato soup surrounding a cheese-snow/pinenut-hail topped island of garlicky sauteed chard the other night. Will share once I get the new cord for my camera and can liberate my pics.
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