The gentleman taking inventory in the produce section at
Nica's gave me a stern look when he saw me pick up a bag of garden variety table grapes after work today. Silently, he handed me two small green globes tinged with pink, plucked like fragile treasure from a fold of protective white paper. "Muscats," he told me as I popped them in my mouth. Biting through the somewhat toothy skin, a flowery gush of sweet, winey pulp ran over my tongue. At some point, I must have opened my eyes again, because I remember thanking him as I rushed to the checkout with my tender bunch.

white muscat grape is to supermarket grapes what
Big Mama Thornton is to
Elvis; these, my friends, are what grapes are. I ate half of my bunch for dinner along with a healthy wedge of
boucheron, a handfull of EOTW whole wheat triscuit impostors, and two eggs scrambled with a heavy dollop of cream and a generous sprinkling of dried tarragon and then just barely cooked. Heaven.
Whoa, Big Mama T can boogie... if she's any indication of muscats, then I'm gonna put on a plaid skirt, elevate my beltline, get capped and run on over to Mico's!
I triieedd one at whole foods yesterday as I casually sampled all food that was not nailed down/under glass/wrapped in plastic....delicious. So sweet, yet crunchy and fresh enough to not be cloying
I know, they are so superior to normal grocery store grapes that is like they are competing in the olympics while normal grapes sleep off a hangover.
You gotta watch out with that sampling at the WF- I heard a horror story of someone getting banned for life for eating a meatball. Banned for life! (PS. Could be apochryphal, but I do remember reading it somewhere.)
I have had muscat-flavored Japanese gummies. They taste pretty funky and made me think muscats must be some weird, probably unpalatable fruit, but now I know the truth! I will have to hunt some down--maybe not at Whole Foods.
You have a friend named Picasso?? And I don't understand how she made that mistake...flesh that one out, please.
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